Usability of Websites for Teenagers

Many people think teens are technowizards who surf the Web with abandon. It’s also commonly assumed that the best way to appeal to teens is to load up on heavy, glitzy, blinking graphics. Our study refuted these stereotypes. Teenagers are not in fact superior Web geniuses who can use anything a site throws at them.…

Personalized Google News

—Personalized Google News (Google) A great little addition to Google’s incredibly useful news aggregator. I deleted the “sports” section, and added sections containing keywords that I always find myself googling. The search I created for “weblog” isn’t very useful, but I’ll play with the interface later. There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to…

Online Activities & Pursuits

Only 38% of users are aware of the distinction between paid or “sponsored” results and unpaid results. And only one in six say they can always tell which results are paid or sponsored and which are not. This finding is ironic, since nearly half of all users say they would stop using search engines if…