Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2003

Sites are getting better at using minimalist design, maintaining archives, and offering comprehensive services. However, these advances entail their own usability problems, as several prominent mistakes from 2003 show. —Jakob Nielsen —Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2003 (Alertbox) Usually Nielsen’s blurbs are more informative… the “summary” on his site reads more like a marketing tease.…

Of Sneakers and Toothbrushes

Same color palette: greens, blues, and reds on a synthetic base of white. Same kinds of curves and contours, same balance and proportions. Whereas once upon a time toothbrushes were made from a single plastic cast, contemporary models, like contemporary athletic shoes, are built up out of inscrutable deposits of layers and sediment that speak…

Weblog Tweaking

Weblog TweakingJerz’s Literacy Weblog) I’ve made a few very minor tweaks to the blog, as I re-familiarize myself with JSP. Will is planning on making some changes to the site soon, and I want to be up to speed so I can more fully understand what he’s accomplished for me. The underlying code that he…

America's Most Literate Cities

[Nothing to quote — which is ironic, considering the page is about literacy.] —America’s Most Literate Cities (U Wisconsin, Whitewater) An interesting find, from my student Julie Young. The website itself is an abomination — all these words are images, so you can’t copy and paste, a search engine won’t be able to find it because…

— Pretty self-explanatory — like Google News but for people who don’t want to read. Found on Slashdot. Similar:Students are trusting software like this to do their work.A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.‘People are rooting for the whale’: the strange American tradition of Moby-Dick reading ma…Googling Is for Old…

CSS Zen Garden

There is clearly a need for CSS to be taken seriously by graphic artists. The Zen Garden aims to excite, inspire, and encourage participation. To begin, view some of the existing designs in the list. Clicking on any one will load the style sheet into this very page. The code remains the same, the only…

PhD in Digital Media

Georgia Tech’s School of Literature, Communication, and Culture (LCC) will offer a Ph.D. in Digital Media, starting fall 2004. The program, one of the first of its kind worldwide, is aimed at educating research-oriented theorist/practitioners who will bring the traditions of the humanities and arts to the design of digital media. Graduates of the program…

Please — Never Do This!

Please — Never Do This!E-Mail) This message, with the uninformative subject line “November Hours,” an empty body, and a 45K MS-Windows attachment (see tips #1, #2 and #3 of “Writing Effective E-Mail: Top 10 Tips“) went out to about 450 people By my count, this single message consumed 20MB of storage space on computers across…

Web guru fights info pollution

“The entire ideology of information technology for the last 50 years has been that more information is better, that mass producing information is better,” he says. | But the net is now so much an machine with all the answers instantly, it has mutated into a “procrastination apparatus”, which spews information without much prioritisation Dr…

Wanted: A Legible Voting Ballot

A study carried out by USA Today and seven other newspapers in 2001 concluded that faulty design, not punch-card machines, was responsible for voters’ confusion in Palm Beach County in 2000. Despite this finding, states have focused their election-reform energies on upgrading old punch-card machines to optical-scan systems or on implementing electronic voting. They have…