Be warned; this is a (strictly hypothetic) Google fan’s nightmare.
- 2014: Google, using its Geolocation feature, starts to heavily censor content for certain countries. Entering “Hitler” at returns zero results.
- 2015: Google buys the Yahoo! Directory and removes the DMOZ Open Directory Project.
- 2016: Google is successfully sued by Microsoft for spidering Windows Servers. Also, Internet Explorer 9 won’t allow accessing anything but MSN search.
—Phillip Lessen —The Rise and Fall of the Google Empire (Google Blogoscoped)
From Phillip Lessen’s Google-focused blog. The post “Googling Politics” describes using Google to do some informal quick-n-dirty text analysis.
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Students are trusting software like this to do their work.
A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.