These are your panel questions. You will be asked some of them, not necessarily in this order:
- Is our fate in our genes or in our stars? Explain.
- What are the potential injustices or misuses of DNA information?
- Will the human genome diminish humanity by taking the mystery out of life?
- Jurassic Park was a cautionary tale about genetic manipulation. Could that actually happen? Why or why not?
- Is there such a thing as “bad genes”? Explain.
Please be sure to tell your students about this. I think it will be interesting and entertaining for everyone. I look forward to it.
MarcyMarcia Pietrala
Reference and Public Services
Reeves Memorial Library
Seton Hill UniversityDNA Ethics Panel QuestionsE-Mail)
I was asked to participate in a panel on DNA ethics, to be held [at 6 pm] at the Seton Hill library Thursday evening. I’m hardly a genetic expert, but I thought, what the heck? I often ask my students to write and speak about subjects that are new to them, so it’s only fair to give it a try myself. I have in the past ranted about eugenics in this blog.
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Update, 15 Oct. I’ve added the time, and added links to separate pages where I answered each question separately. I welcome comments and feedback of any kind.