John Valiska, known as “Johnny Peeps” to his friends, is trying to eat more than 1,500 Peeps candies this Easter season. —Indiana Man Tries To Break ‘Peeps’ Record (WCPO – Indiana)
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LOL!!! Good one, Dennis! Happy Easter.
LOL! I just remembered a time when Mom had enough of our fussing in the car and said “I don’t want to hear another peep out of you.” and of course we just had to say “peep” which started us laughing but at least we were no longer fussing with eachother. :)
Said the stomach-pump operator to the marshmallow chick eating contestant who complained of a belly-ache: “Not a peep out of you!”
“The record is 1,535. That’s one every five minutes, 10-hours a day for over 2-weeks to eat that many.”
At 32 calories a Peep, that works out to 49120 total calories or an extra 4093 calories per day! At least Peeps are fat free. :)