Haunted by Penguins

Questions (by whom, I don’t know) had been raised about my collegiality and some had reached the ears of the search committees where my applications were under review. I racked my brain for the comment or incident that could have sparked such rumors. Had I inadvertently said something in a seminar or a conference that…

Broadband Penetration on the Upswing

Rural users lag in broadband adoption, and infrastructure availability is a reason for this. Here are some highlights from the Pew Internet Project’s February 2004 survey: 55% of all adult Internet users – or 34% of all adult Americans – have access to high-speed Internet connections either at home or on the job. 39% of…

What's love gotta do with it?

So much for the evolutionary advantage of love. As to the proximate, immediate cause of love, scientists have found that the mother-offspring bond in humans and other animals is mediated by the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. What researchers at University College London have now found is that romantic and maternal love activate many of the…

The future of Weblogging

There is much to celebrate in the development of Weblogging — but the discussion of it is often uncritical and un-ambitious. If Weblogging is the answer, as so many claim it is, what was the question? As with the discussion of electronic voting, there is an assumption that there barriers have been put in the…

Weblogs as 'replacement' educational technology

Diaries and journals are a longstanding fixture of writing and foreign language classes. Journals are also commonly employed in other subjects, including lab notebooks in the sciences, and sketch books and portfolios for teaching the arts. Teachers often encourage students to keep notes of their own, and sometimes use these notes as an additional indicator…

Twisty Little Passages [Review]

It’s been almost thirty years since young Laura and Sandy Crowther sat down at a Teletype and took their first steps into the mysterious subterranean world their father, Will, created for them. Now, if Nick Montfort’s Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction is any indication, Crowther and Woods’s pioneering computer game Adventure and…

Lamb: Inmate Writing Erased

Prison officials destroyed computer files containing inmates’ personal writing days after a prisoner won a national writing award, best-selling author Wally Lamb said. Lamb, who teaches a creative writing workshop at the York Correctional Facility in East Lyme, said Wednesday that 15 women inmates lost up to five years of work when officials at the…

Rest in Peace, Charlie Brown

A long overdue Grand Finale to the celebrated ‘Peanuts’ cartoon strip. By Raymond J. Dartsch. With apologies to Schulz. —Rest in Peace, Charlie Brown Really horrible. I mean it. Sick, sick, sick. I couldn’t stop clicking. The artwork is decent, but the lettering is hard to read… I hadn’t realized just how much Shultz’s wobbly…

Ahead of the game?

Researchers are finding players can make sharper soldiers, drivers and surgeons. Their reaction time is better, their peripheral vision more acute. They are taking risks, finding themselves at ease in a demanding environment that requires paying attention on several levels at once. While there are countless examples of children vegetating in front of the box,…

An explanation of our search results [Or, Google and 'Jew': Why is This Search Different from all Other Searches?]

If you use Google to search for “Judaism”, “Jewish” or “Jewish people”, the results are informative and relevant. So why is a search for “Jew” different? One reason is that the word “Jew” is often used in an anti-Semitic context. Jewish organizations are more likely to use the word “Jewish” when talking about members of…

The Man Who Would Be Sven

Part attention to detail, part science, part Vulcan mind meld, exegesis allows a critic to enter and extend the context of a work of art, whether it be through the useful reductions of Sunday book reviews, the half millennium of minutiae that have accumulated to make Shakespeare ?The Bard? or revelatory reappraisals in the manner…