Professor Ernesto wants to talk about plagiarism in student papers. Floor open.
Questions: Is there really a problem here? (Smythe)
Professor Ernesto: What‘s the percentage of student work that‘s suspect? Really, that high? Why don’t we just castrate their damn laptops? That‘s obviously where it‘s coming from.
Professor Dale notes that the act of appropriation may sometimes be an homage.
Professor Ernesto grabs Professor Dale‘s briefcase and shakes out all the papers. Yells, “This is an act of appropriation, not an homage!”
Professor Dale threatens to deconstruct Professor Ernesto.
The chair brings the meeting to order again. Directs task force of Professors Dale and Ernesto to look jointly into student plagiarism. —David Galef —Last Week‘s English Department Meeting (Inside Higher Ed)
We’ve got an English faculty meeting tomorrow…