Why do you love online publishing?
Here’s why I do: As an American, I feel so fortunate to be alive at a time when, 200-some years after the ratification of the First Amendment to our nation’s Constitution, the people of this country finally have a medium at their disposal which allows any person to speak and be heard by a global audience. If freedom of the press belongs to those who own one, now, we all do. And the world, ultimately, will be the better for it.
Unfortunately, the Internet is also being used by those who favor schmoozing the wealthy and well-connected at the expense promoting the welfare of all fellow citizens. I love that the Internet allows the rest of us a powerful collective voice with which to give all readers an alternative to such smarmy propaganda. Now it is up to us to be smarter, sharper and louder than ever when using this medium during the year to come. —Robert Niles —Why do I love online publishing? (Online Journalism Review)
Why do I love online publishing?
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Students are trusting software like this to do their work.
A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.
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