You are on a red leather sofa facing a very large and very tempting flat-screen TV. A sheltie puppy is chewing through your shoelaces. There is a laptop in your lap. You have five Word documents open.>look at Word documents
They are titled “Chapter 3 The Ubicomp Games”, “Chapter 4 The Pervasive Games”, “Nintendo Cubes section pergames”, “REJECTED WRITING” and “works cited”.> work on dissertation
You spend five minutes browsing Boing Boing.> work on dissertation
You check the Technorati links to your blog.> work on dissertation
—Jane McGonigal —Disseration Zork (Avant Game)
An ABD fights the dissertation grues.
The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up ...
Things Past #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 8) Odo confronts his reputation as a...
Trials and Tribble-ations #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 6) Trivial Time Travel...
The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in Kinetic Theatre'...
This was a rough term. Still have a winter term course to publish before midnight but time...
A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.
Wow…if only I could creatively express my own woes that way! I always love people who possess creative writing skills (or anything creative) because I lack those abilities.
You are in a twisty maze of note cards all alike…
The work cited grue :)