In California, the governor’s office reacts to hearing of a vulgar message hidden vertically in the first row of letters in this gubernatorial veto. As The Swamp puts it:
“My goodness. What a coincidence,” a shocked, shocked Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear is quoted by the Associated Press as saying. “I suppose when you do so many vetoes, something like this is bound to happen.”
I’ve been teaching with this handout for over 25 years, updating it regularly. I just remo...
Sorry, not sorry. I don't want such friends.
I was perhaps a bit more conversational and chipper than usual during class today. A grinn...
Will Journalism Be a Crime in a Second Trump Administration?
As part of an ongoing feud over the rights to use a particular shade of ultra-black paint,...
A spooooooky post about predatory journals for this Halloween season.