I Gotta Get the Bread & Milk Dennis G. Jerz / 8 Feb 2013Similar:The Dog and the Oyster (Aesop Fable)More than a million people die on roads every year. Meet the man determined to prevent the...Stapler jam during a midterm exam.The Tyranny of Now (Appreciation of Harold Innis)Is AI making us less intelligent?The press lobby is going feral—ignore itRelated Posts
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Please, I am still laughing 4 hours after seeing gotta get bread and milk . Grew up same way . Now. It would b e hysterical if you staged yourself some way and now do a. Should have got the bread and milk . Thank you for the laugh. Very very funny. Reply
Please, I am still laughing 4 hours after seeing gotta get bread and milk . Grew up same way . Now. It would b e hysterical if you staged yourself some way and now do a. Should have got the bread and milk . Thank you for the laugh. Very very funny.
And toilet paper. LOL.
RT @DennisJerz: Is that a snowflake? OMG I Gotta Get the Bread & Milk! http://t.co/dzXxb89W