My second greenscreen test. Dennis G. Jerz / 30 Jul 2019 Similar:January 6th ... the board game?Rapture #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 10) Sisko's "visions" complicate politic...Don't Be a Sucker (antifascist film from 1945)Hey there, chaotic world in academia and beyond, could you settle down just a bit so I can...I ordered a box of composition books. Low-tech response to AI.I have for some reason reached another #duolingo milestone.Related Posts
For some reason, I saw a bump in traffic to a page that linked to a “make-your-own-Trump-executive order” page
I’ll get you my pretty, and your little greeble too! Looks nice, but I was a little distracted by the lighting reflection in your glasses. (from ff) Reply
I’ll get you my pretty, and your little greeble too! Looks nice, but I was a little distracted by the lighting reflection in your glasses. (from ff)