Quoth: a dynamic interactive fiction system

Watch the movie first! Quoth is a dynamic interactive fiction system, in which authoring is done from a player’s perspective, from within the running work. Quoth draws upon the concepts of pervasive anthropomorphisation, executable natural language, and revisionist narrative. The major use of Quoth so far has been for musical livecoding. pervasive anthropomorphisation In traditional…


I have written about how traditional chess engines are constructed and about how they go about figuring out what moves to make. I have speculated on how Rybka, a new and powerful chess engine is constructed. I have written a software specification for a new way to estimate the value of a chess position, or…

Something about Interactive Fiction

In my review of Once and Future, I made the erroneous statement -“Just like video killed the radio star, graphics killed the parser,” and embarrassingly called interactive fiction a “dead genre.” I was wrong. Five years after I typed those lines, interactive fiction games continue to be produced, even commercially. —Terrence Bosky —Something about Interactive…

The Real and the Semi-Real

A member of a WOW guild suffered a stroke in real life and died. Her guildmates, knowing her only through the game, but nevertheless wanting to offer some remembrance for one of their own, decided to hold a memorial service in the game. A rival guild decided that would be a great time to show…

Blogging Portfolio

One item to discuss today is the final project for the class, your blogging portfolio. And among the items we need to consider are these: * What should it include? (Will it highlight your best blogging, be an overview of what you tend to blog about and/or how you tend to blog, or a combination,…

Be Polite, E-Polite

McClure said that some students seem to feel “that e-mail is a casual form of communication, where professional relationships somehow do not exist as they do in the classroom — students feel comfortable saying things in an email that they would never say to you in person.” —David Epstein —Be Polite, E-Polite (Inside Higher Ed) Nothing…

The seedy academic underbelly of video games

Video game studies? Yes, please. And I don’t just mean in gaming schools. Critical perspectives have been developing as well. Metafilter is already wise to ludology,but what about its mother discipline, ergotics? Don’t forget narrative and storytelling. Of course, if cultural studies, or education is your thing, that’s covered too. Other programs focus on application…

Face Reader Bridges Autism Gap

The system’s software goes beyond tracking simple emotions like sadness and anger to estimate complex mental states like agreeing, disagreeing, thinking, confused, concentrating and interested. The goal is to put this mental state inference engine on a wearable platform and use it to augment or enhance social interactions, said Rana el Kaliouby, a postdoctoral researcher…

The Silencer

“Wouldn’t shooting cell-phone users in research libraries be counterproductive?” you might well ask. “Wouldn’t that actually make the library more noisy?” A fair point. Yes, it would. But not for long…. —Scott McLemee —The Silencer (Inside Higher Ed)