The role of play

These games aren’t much fun to play, even if you are a Bush supporter. Nevertheless, it’s significant that a major political party now sees games as a useful campaigning tool. Presumably, the RNC thinks Tax Invaders will get Bush’s economic policy across to “the kids”. But it’s hard to say for certain because, so far,…


WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. What a mouthful. More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work with your software, not fight it. —WordPress Well, that’s enough MT freakout for today. Still waiting to hear back form SixApart.

Google to sell banner ads

Search giant Google plans for the first time to sell ads that include images, a surprise reversal for a company that has won regard for its pioneering use of text-only marketing pitches and for keeping its home page religiously free of banner advertising. —Google to sell banner ads (ZD Net) I’m still waiting to hear back…

CCCC Waves and Ripples

I’m such an important blogger that I don’t have to give you any reason as I urge, even command, you to visit this link. [W]hen famous A-listers write those self-satisfied one-line posts, they aren’t really blogging well. Instead, they are just spending the social capital they’ve already accumulated. They accumulated that social capital by first…

Pattern Recognition: F:F:F must have very low traffic.

Pattern Recognition: F:F:F must have very low traffic. (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) It just occurred to me that for someone who’s supposedly a core member of the online group F:F:F, Cayce Pollard doesn’t really spend that much time reading or posting. I’ve spent most of this academic year away from the newsgroup, and as I finished…

Education Arcade, day 1

Henry shared the media that influenced him, including films like Operation Frontal Lobe and Isaasc Asimov sci-fi novels. He agued that every other pop culture medium has been involved in education, and games need to catch up. Even Hollywood markets films with education guides (e.g. The Alamo, which has one available on the official website).…