PageRank: Google's Original Sin

“On June 27, 2002, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission issued guidelines that recommended that any ranking results influenced by payment, rather than by impartial and objective relevance criteria, ought to be clearly labeled as such in the interests of consumer protection. It appears, then, that any algorithm such as PageRank, that can reasonably pretend to…

the history of computer games: from ‘pong’ to ‘pac-man’

“in the beginning, there was nothing. well, actually, there was pinball, some shooting gallery games, a few nickel peep-show machines and those mechanical genies that would guess your weight and give a glimpse of your future.” william hunter —the history of computer games: from ‘pong’ to ‘pac-man’ (designboom) Hey designboom webmaster… your “Shift” key is broken!

Has Online Content Jumped the Shark?

“We despised the Dockers-wearing advertising-executive manqués who somehow scammed enough money to start up Web sites that gave license to appalling ideas, chief among them convergence….It seems that online content has fossilized. Online ventures doing exactly the wrong thing or the right thing the wrong way are no longer the norm…” —Has Online Content Jumped…

Illusions of Freedom-Kantian Divisions in an Electronic Age

“[T]he web has been unable to deliver on its socially progressive potential because it has been ‘born’ into capitalism, a socioeconomic system that creates and depends upon the same ‘hierarchical classification systems’ Berners-Lee [inventor of the WWW] would like the Web to eliminate.” mowabb —Illusions of Freedom-Kantian Divisions in an Electronic Agethere is no spoon)

Students Embrace the Internet, but Not as Replacement to Classrooms, Study Finds

“A surprising number of college students say they regularly use the Internet for academic purposes, but they see cyberspace as a supplement to — not a replacement for — traditional classrooms, a team of researchers reported Sunday…. The researchers warned against ignoring the possible educational benefits of some recreational online activities, such as instant messaging…

A Call to Jail the Spammers

“Belief in freedom of speech does not require us to sit by passively as our systems, networks, work and lives are suffocated under an unending torrent of useless and often fraudulent e-mail. This is not to suggest we throw spammers in jail. As appealing as the thought might be…” —A Call to Jail the SpammersWired)

"Don't you wish some people had search engines installed in their foreheads?"

A blogger with too much time on his hands uses a search engine to compare the rank-and-file content of an organization’s website to its official rhetoric. “[W]hen one types the word “abortion” into NOW’s search engine, 853 articles that mention the subject appear. But surely childbirth is something an organization that claims to be ‘for…

"You Send Me" by Patricia T. O'Conner & Stewart Kellerman

“[R]ather than examining why online writing is so undisciplined and attempting to appreciate the virtue of such impertinence, O’Conner and Kellerman are determined to impose on electronic communication all the limitations of the forms to which they’re already accustomed.” Review by Jonathan Keats —“You Send Me” by Patricia T. O’Conner & Stewart KellermanSalon)

The First Smiley

Here’s what’s reputed to be an archive of the first e-mail message that included a smiley. —The First Smiley (Microsoft) [I wish I’d found it instead of Micro$oft. :( In 1979, someone named Kevin MacKenzie suggested the symbol -) for “tongue in cheek”. It’s not a “smiley”, of course, but it serves the same function.…

Unplugged U

“Remote bell-tower hacking is just one of the ways the wireless network is changing life at Dartmouth. The network is subtly but profoundly altering teaching techniques, social interaction, study habits, and personal security. In spite of its remoteness, the college has long been one of the most wired places on earth, fashioning its campus into…

Canadian Business School's Journal Opts Out of Print and Onto the Internet

“One of Canada’s top business schools has decided to stop selling the paper version of its journal and will give the publication away online instead…. ‘We’re not interested in making money, although by switching to online-only, we’ll save about $300,000 a year in print-production costs.’” —Canadian Business School’s Journal Opts Out of Print and Onto…

Glossary of Interactive Fiction

A collaborative online glossary is being developed for the forthcoming book Interactive Fiction Theory. Anyone can edit existing entries or suggest new terms. —Glossary of Interactive Fiction (IF Theory) Emily Short is the editor-in-chief for IF Theory, and I’m the editor of the theory section. The book should be out within a year.

English as She is Spoke vs. Babelfish

“In 1855 two Portuguese translators, José da Fonseca and Pedro Carolino, produced an English phrasebook so unbelievably bad that it was reprinted for half a century as a masterpiece of hilarity, under the title English as She is Spoke…. I thought it would be interesting to compare Fonseca and Carolino’s translations with Babelfish‘s….” —English as…