Media That Really Frighten Teenagers

An excerpt from the book Grand Theft Childhood, which is being marketed as a message to parents that video games aren’t the problem. As one of several supporting points, the artists argue in the following passage that it’s not videogames that teach teenagers to think of the world as a place where violence and fear…

How the Web Was Won

I haven’t read through the whole (dorkily named) article, but I’m blogging it so I can find it later when I update the “Writing for the Internet” course I’ll be teaching this fall. I try to include at least a little history, since most students are surprised to learn the internet is about as old…

A Facebook App for Every Occasion … Even Recruiting

From Inside Higher Ed, an article about a Facebook app designed for college recruiters: The solution they came up with essentially offers a series of “challenges” to students interested in SUNY Plattsburgh. Each challenge requires them to upload video or photographic evidence that they fulfilled their mission, so to speak — anything from attending a…

Rage against the machines

Prospect Magazine: When Mogwai isn’t online, he’s called Adam Brouwer, and works as a civil servant for the British government modelling crisis scenarios of hypothetical veterinary disease outbreaks. I point out to him a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, billed under the line “The best sign that someone’s qualified to run an internet…

What can you do with texts that are in a digital format? « Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: I’ve had a longstanding, friendly debate with a colleague about whether it is sufficient to provide page images of books, or whether text should be converted to a machine- and human-readable format such as XML. She argues that converting scanned books to text is expensive and that the primary goal…

Measure for Measure – The Boston Globe

Boston Globe: Without a robust study of literature there can be no adequate reckoning of the human condition – no full understanding of art, culture, psychology, or even of biology. As Binghamton University biologist David Sloan Wilson says, “the natural history of our species” is written in love poems, adventure stories, fables, myths, tales, and…


Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities: “You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.” Recognize these lines? They’re from the opening screen of Will Crowther’s ADVENTURE (1975), the first example of…

The Power of Suggestion

Jason Lutes: With every step “forward” in any area of human endeavor, something is gained, and with rare exception there is a concomitant loss. I feel this keenly in video game design, as the cutting edge of graphics slices into the future, opening up new and ever hotter arteries of experience for the player, but…