Rap Marketing Comes to Nerdcore

While gangsta rap is seen as celebrating the violence and aggression that claimed two of its brightest stars, “geeksta” rap is a hip-hop genre celebrating coding skills and school grades. Also dubbed “nerdcore,” this branch of hip-hop is for geeks, by geeks. —Robert Andrews —Rap Marketing Comes to Nerdcore  (Wired) Similar:The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch…

Why 'imaginary voices' are male

“Psychiatrists believe that these auditory hallucinations are caused when the brain spontaneously activates, creating a false perception of a voice,” says Professor Hunter of the university’s psychiatry department. “The reason these voices are usually male could be explained by the fact that the female voice is so much more complex that the brain would find…

The Evil of Excellence

She banned competitive activities during school hours. —The Evil of Excellence (JoanneJacobs.com) There’s a good discussion sparked by an American School Board Journal article (the content of this URL will probably change when the next issue comes out) that strongly discourages any kind of competition in the classroom. Even a teacher who praises “Madison” for cutting…

The Beast in the Cave

The horrible conclusion which had been gradually intruding itself upon my confused and reluctant mind was now an awful certainty. I was lost, completely, hopelessly lost in the vast and labyrinthine recess of the Mammoth Cave. Turn as I might, in no direction could my straining vision seize on any object capable of serving as…

Bendy Lines in a Menu

—Bendy Lines in a Menu (Seton Hill University) Do you see it too? That’s one weird warping effect… I just downloaded The Gimp, a free, open-source replacement for Photoshop. I can probably kiss the next couple of hours goodbye… this looks like fun. Similar:Quick visit to see my mother and siblings.Students are trusting software like this…

Dear Card Reader

Dear Card Reader (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) Dear Card Reader, Where are you? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You pick the most inopportune time to disappear, because I have a 1GB SD card to futz around with for the summer. You weren’t under the cushion of the comfy chair, though I did find 13 pens, one…

Software Tracks Tea-Making Duties

Before leaving for the kitchen, responsible brewers log onto Teabuddy and check a box next to the name of those for whom they are making a cuppa. Teabuddy tallies the total cups made and consumed by each employee, keeping a history that lists the date each user last poured forth — it’s “objective, factual proof…

A battle outside the box

OTBs, or “Outside The Boxers,” as they call themselves, are unconventional thinkers who believe “there are no stupid ideas,” Lessjo says. “We really just wanted to know what would happen if Civil War soldiers fought the crew from ‘Star Trek.’ You never see that in the movies or TV reruns.” —Tim Chitwood —A battle outside…

This Morning's Lesson in Machine Learning (Or, So Said the Search Engine Unto Me)

Sorry, we were unable to locate document(s) pertaining to your request. Did you mean: zirconium instead of kirschenbaum? —This Morning’s Lesson in Machine Learning (Or, So Said the Search Engine Unto Me) (MGK) This is tremendous news… search technology has advanced to the point where a search engine has become aware of Matt Kirschenbaum’s strong, metallic…

Rent My Son

Sign Your Child Up Today! Make extra money – or start your son’s college fund! We are currently looking for children in your area! Rent your son out on weekends. You have complete control over your child’s schedule. All of our clients are fully screened, and you may screen prospective clients before any transaction takes…

An Improvement of XML

The implications of scalable theory have been far-reaching and pervasive. In fact, few end-users would disagree with the deployment of expert systems, which embodies the private principles of artificial intelligence. We explore new introspective configurations, which we call KindlerDop.–Shatner, Elmo, Jerz and Nye —An Improvement of XML (SciGen) Read the backstory behind this random CS paper…


It is important that you understand that the concept of Toothing – beaming a sexual text message to a random phone on a commuter-packed tube train – is a bit like going into a crowded nightclub, throwing a brick at the dancefloor with a love letter attached, and hoping that the person it hits will…