“Surveys show that about half of 20 to 29 year olds read the newspaper every day in 1972; by 1998, just 20 percent of twenty somethings read the paper every day.|’The younger audience is not subscribing to the newspapers. This is a major concern for us,’ said Noe. ‘But we also know where they are — they?re on the Internet. We?re just trying to get them to look at our site.'”
But for
—Newspaper Web Sites Struggle to Attract Younger Readers (OJR)
Thanks for the link, Mike.
I’m writing this during a break in the Associated Collegiate Press/Advisers of College Media convention, which is full of bright young people who not only want to read the news, but want to write it.
At the convention, I was fortunate enough to run into a former student, Ben Charbonneau, who is an occasional contributor to this weblog.