Going for the Record

On this day in 1984, after a year of deliberation, the US supreme court ruled in favour of Sony (makers of the Betamax video-recorder) and against Universal Studios and Disney, who had claimed that viewers recording television programmes were stealing copyrighted material. The counter-argument was that home-tapers were “time-shifting”: rescheduling programmes through convenience rather than…

Strong Bad: Video Games

You find yourself in yon dungeon. Back yonder there is a FLASK. Obvious exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS. What wouldst thou deau?>_ —Strong Bad: Video Games (Homestarrunner.com) Bobby actually e-mailed me this suggestion a few days ago, and I saw it in a comment on MGK, and on the rec.arts.int-fiction newsgroup, but this was the…

Atmospheric Optics

Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles – rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them and how they form. Then seek and…

Wor(l)d Games

One of the great gifts of the book is the entrée it affords into the contemporary IF scene. Graham Nelson, Adam Cadre, Emily Short, and Andrew Plotkin were all authors who were new to me, but no sooner had I worked through Plotkin’s remarkable “Shade” than I added it to my spring syllabus (which I’ll…

Letters from Pathetic Geeks

I used to date a girl who regularly won trophies for running marathons and playing in tennis tournaments. I told her the only trophy I had ever won was 4th place in a shuffleboard tournament. At the age of nine. So she said, “so of all the nine year olds who turned out that day…

Getting the Most Out of Your Academic Weblog

Private vs. Public Anyone can read this: professors, classmates Don’t write about your love life or last weekend‘sactivities unless you want your professors (or Dr. Gawalek) to read about it Take caution when complaining about classes or classmates Also, watch what you write — don’t link to pictures of you doing anything illegal while at…

Why blogs could be bad for business

While blogging’s earliest advocates operate on the “information wants to be free” principle, many businesses would shudder at the very thought. | “Information is power” is a more likely mantra in many organisations. Whenever you hear those three words, you’re hearing the signal of the kind of closed information culture where there’s also a heads-down,…

CSS Not Displaying on My Site?

CSS Not Displaying on My Site?Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) I’ve been pulling my hair out for the last 2 hours because something seems to be wrong with the style sheets on my site. Do my pages look the way they usually do? Most of the time, I get no styles whatsoever, then about once out of…

Jack Lynch's Home Page

My first scholarly monograph, The Age of Elizabeth in the Age of Johnson, has rocketed to the 1.6 millionth bestseller (up from 1.8 millionth a few weeks ago) on Amazon.com. (Stop presses! — now it’s zoomed up to the 1.49 millionth! Take that, Distributional Ecology and Abundance of Dung and Carrion-Feeding Beetles (Scarabaeidae) in Tropical…

Reporter 'Panicked' In Probe

The Kelley controversy comes at a time of growing public mistrust of the mainstream media. In the past year, critics have questioned: Fox’s Geraldo Rivera and NBC’s Peter Arnett over their reporting on the Iraq war; The Washington Post for reporting that Jessica Lynch had been shot and stabbed and not correcting the account for…

Hey! Where's the problem?

“If they are allowed to experiment and do things on the computers that the teachers have not specifically given them permission to do, we would never get any computer education accomplished.” Beverly Sweeney, middle school teacher involved in the suspension of a student who used a DOS command to send the word “Hey!” to 80…

Allegations arise in Peterson trial survey

Several university students said Thursday that they fabricated survey results factored into in a judge’s decision to move Scott Peterson’s capital murder trial out of Modesto…. [T]hey made up every answer on all the surveys they submitted because they found it difficult to gather legitimate data. They did it, they said, because they were short…

The Uses of History

For almost all important social and political issues, a view of the past is essential, and the most powerful analyses of issues requires a historical framework that reflects all the complexity and ambiguity of the past. Yet, for most people, it seems that their concept of history settled into a fixed evaluation (usually a negative…