It’s been so long since I’ve actually been served a meal on an airplane… Golly, I wish there were a website that had a retrospective of airlime meals from the 70s, 80s and 90s, an index of movies in which in-flight meals were featured, and an archve of thousands of photos of airline meals. Well, what do you know…
Thanks, Rosemary.
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Amazing. On my flight back to Phoenix last weekend, the airline sold the meals rather than offered them up for free. I think this is the new trend: to treat the meals like drinks. The irony is that most people declined to pay for it, even though they were probably paying more for them in their ticket prices in the days of yore. But what do we get when we save that money? Advertising — the meals (on my flight anyway) were branded by TGI Fridays, which was advertised through mentions over the loudspeaker, on the packaging, on the cart that crawled up and down the aisle, and even in the inflight magazine. Boycott it, I say, with a sandwich.