Folio 180r: Text referring to St Peter features the body of a hare, symbolic of timidity.
The Irish have a weakness for puns, and this is as evident in the Book of Kells as it is inĀ Finnegans Wake, although in the former the puns are for the most part visual, for no monk would think to tamper with the Gospel texts….
Thus on the recto of folio 180, a line of text referring to Peterās denial of Christ incorporates the figure of a hare, an animal known for its timidity.

Folio 87v: A hare gazes at text about St. Peter.
An even more ingenious leporine dig is spotted by Meehan, with equal ingenuity, on the verso of folio 87. āThe hare here, forming theĀ SĀ ofĀ Simile, gazes back overleaf to folio 87r, where Peter expresses doubt about following Jesus. It is precisely on the other side of the leaf from theĀ petĀ ofĀ petrus, suggesting a deliberate association, to Peterās disadvantage, between the wordsĀ petrusĀ andĀ SimileĀ and the animal, Peter being ālike toā a hare.ā We should look with indulgence upon these harmless sallies. After all, as James Joyce pointed out, the Church of Rome was built on a pun, when Christ chose Peter (Petrus) as the rock (petra) of its foundation.