Mourning a great leader and role model. Pres. Emerita JoAnne Boyle, RIP. (Email sent to SHU community a short while ago.) #setonhill
Mourning a great leader and role model. Pres. Emerita JoAnne Boyle, RIP. (Email sent to SHU community a short while ago.) #setonhill
@ecoopertri @DennisJerz @marykaycooper She had an incredible impact on this institution. Was an innovator and a visionary. Advanced SHU #RIP
RT @DennisJerz: Mourning a great leader and role model. Pres. Emerita JoAnne Boyle, RIP. (Email sent to SHU community a short while ago.) #…
@ecoopertri @DennisJerz I met her when I was in 8th gr at my 1st admissions open house. She was an English prof then. Decided SHU right then
.@DennisJerz @marykaycooper Tremendous loss. I don’t know any other SHU than under her leadership. The two are synonymous in my mind.
RT @DennisJerz: Mourning a great leader and role model. Pres. Emerita JoAnne Boyle, RIP. (Email sent to SHU community a short while ago.) #…