Tucked away in this article on how to avoid being a helicopter parent is a little soliloquy on how a student’s use of a highlighter mirrors his or her intellectual growth. (In my freshman writing class, I usually make a big show, in the first week or two, of throwing one student’s highlighter out into the hallway, telling the class that with a highlighter, you can only agree with or ignore what you read; I want my students to develop their own thoughts in the margins.)
As freshmen, students tend to highlight everything in their textbooks because everything seems important. Sophomores highlight several lines on a page as they begin to zero in on the heart of the matter. Juniors just highlight a line here or there. Seniors sometimes highlight nothing — they just write critical comments in the margin and cite other sources of reference. By the child’s junior year you will realize you’re dealing with an expanded and exciting mind. Be patient in waiting to see the effects of the college experience. —9 tips on how to be a good college parent – The Washington Post.
Joanna Howard liked this on Facebook.
Sharon Joyner Hipple liked this on Facebook.
Interesting. I only used highlighters after I’d figured out my thesis for the essay about that novel (unless I happened to read a line that was so great that I’d definitely put it in my thesis).That way it wasn’t a matter of me disagreeing or agreeing with ideas, but of finding ideas that agreed with me.
I suppose it was different in science classes, but not it occurred less with modern/better texts. I sometimes highlighted definitions, but these days a decent text will have them set apart in a box, or at least in bold. It really makes highlighting unnecessary.
Shannon Flynn Lewis liked this on Facebook.
Theresa Torisky liked this on Facebook.
You need to post a video of your “big show,” Dennis, so we can enjoy it, too!!!!!
Holly Pappas liked this on Facebook.
Julie Davis liked this on Facebook.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.