However, there’s a silver lining for Mark Zuckerberg, as his company owns Instagram and WhatsApp, a popular messaging service. Whereas the company used to try to “clone the competition,” according to Bosker, Facebook has started acquiring its heirs. If teens are fickle and always looking to the next big thing, it’s smart to make sure you also own that property. —The Washington Post.
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HP Fodor liked this on Facebook.
Blogs once towered over the media landscape. Facebook will, like blogs, and like the dinosaurs, evolve into birds that fit into our media ecosystem so well that we barely notice them.
From my observations, Facebook isn’t withering, it’s transitioning to being a “basic information/communication service,” not a hip hangout. Myspace didn’t offer the ease of use and communication Facebook does, nor do the others. It’s like teens haven’t stopped using cell phones and texting when that went mainstream- it just stopped being a “cool teen thing” to do.