In November 2000, I was blogging about
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Why we perceive mirrors reversing things left/right but not up/down
- Pioneering blog Arts & Letters Daily (just a year older than my own blog)
- Nick Montfort’s constrained poem “Upper Typewriter Row“
- The 2000 US Presidential Election controversy (ballot design, hanging chads, recounts, political cartoons)
- The Web Economy Bullshit Generator
- The Onion’s fake “Fontly Speaking” typeface design column.
- James Lileks’s Orphanage of Cast-off Mascots
- A Quake 3 gamer who misses solving puzzles in text-adventure games
I just caught myself thinking, “This doesn’t suck.” #medievalyork #mysteryplay #blender3d ...
As part of an ongoing feud over the rights to use a particular shade of ultra-black paint,...
Our family has seen David Whalen in the persona of Sherlock in five or six different shows...
A young father sold his beloved sports car for “diaper money.” Years later, the man’s son ...
Diaper Money Camaro Comes Home Four Decades Later
I have a daughter who does things. If demon curses and buckets of stage blood are your thi...