Star Trek Personality Test

—Star Trek Personality Test Apparently I’m the middle-aged, toupee-sporting movie-era Kirk, though I’m 36 now, which is about the age of the TV-era Kirk. Ah, well… I’m still Shatner, and to be Shatner is good! My wife picked up two more Star Trek paperbacks for me at the library booksale… one tells of Spock’s first…

Writing Teachers Writing New Media

Writing Teachers Writing New Media (Jerz’s CCCC 05 Notes) “What did you guys do to earn walls?” -overheard during the (long) setup for this presentation. Hoping to find an opportunity to continue the discussion of the intellectual property issues Lawrence Lessig raised on Thursday, I attended “Writing Teachers Writing New Media,” where three young presenters from…

Riverside feels 'Wrath of Con'

William Shatner’s low-budget sci-fi flick, “Invasion Iowa,” that was supposedly filming in Riverside, turned out to be an elaborate hoax. To borrow the phrase from MTV, the entire town was “punk’d.” Yes, William Shatner is there, and yes, there is a film crew, but the whole thing wasn’t for a movie, but for a “reality”…

Shatner, Nimoy team up on sci-fi project

William Shatner, who played the commander of the starship USS Enterprise in the ’60s Star Trek series, arrived in Riverside [Iowa] Tuesday to hold auditions for four small parts in a low-budget, sci-fi movie he wrote with Star Trek co-star, Leonard Nimoy…..Although Kirk’s hometown was never mentioned in the TV series, Gene Roddenberry, the show’s…

Computer Writing and Permanence

Television started as a powerful community-building force. If you had a TV set, you would watch what was broadcast, discuss it among the family at home, and also with the wider context of friends, relatives, neighbours and colleagues. If you encountered someone else with a TV set, the immediate assumption would be that that you…

It’s a Didactic Day in the Neighborhood: Mister Rogers and Educational Ideology

I recently lamented that my kids are growing up without Mister Rogers -– a very sweet public television show that features an infinitely gentle father figure who wears cardigans and talks directly to the camera. (We don’t have good reception of our local PBS station.) Someone gave us a copy of a Mister Rogers show.…

Blurring the Borders of Rhetoric and Hypertextuality in Weblogs

Early, link-heavy blogs were, for the most part, a method of sharing links. They usually contained entries that consisted of one or two hyperlinks, the blogger’s commentary on the link’s content, and a place for other bloggers to make comments about the entry. These early blogs often focused on what <a href=”htttp://”>Blood calls “the dissemination…

How Capt. Kirk would out-invest Mr. Spock

“As an investor, are you Mr. Spock, a rational, unemotional decision-maker who weighs all the options, or Captain Kirk, who is likely to respond with his feelings in making a decision?|At first glance, Mr. Spock would seem to have the advantage and make the best judgments about which stocks to buy.|Not necessarily, say a trio…

The Captain Kirk Principle

“This psychological battle between intellect and intuition was played out in almost every episode of Star Trek in the characters of the ultrarational Mr. Spock and the hyperemotional Dr. McCoy, with Captain Kirk as the near perfect synthesis of both. Thus, I call this balance the Captain Kirk Principle: intellect is driven by intuition, intuition…