3500 attendees, successful innovations in on-site childcare and poster-paper sessions.
Finances are good, considering the recession. There will be a slow increase in internet technology; 2 years ago there were 3 dedicated “internet rooms,” this year there were 6, and next year there will be 9.
I should check the WPA-L archives for explanation of internet issues…. I understand there was a lively discussion there regarding the lack of internet access rooms. Not everyone who asked for an internet room got one; not everyone who asked for a digital projector got one; it was a common occurrence for presenters this year to apologize for not being able to show the YouTube links they wanted to show.
Michael Day says NCTE has WiFi equipment that the Hilton forbids them from bringing; we need to join with other professional organizations to negotiate as a block.
Several resolutions passed without any real comment, though there was some dissent when a CCCC member proposed expanding the minorities scholarship to include LBGTQ minorities.