You Play World of Warcraft? You're Hired!: Why multiplayer games may be the best kind of job training.

Gaming tends to be regarded as a harmless diversion at best, a vile corruptor of youth at worst. But the usual critiques fail to recognize its potential for experiential learning. Unlike education acquired through textbooks, lectures, and classroom instruction, what takes place in massively multiplayer online games is what we call accidental learning. It’s learning…

Why Plagiarism Makes Sense in the Digital Age: Copying, Remixing, and Composing

Why Plagiarism Makes Sense in the Digital Age: Copying, Remixing, and Composing (CCCC 2006 Chicago — Day 2) This was a jam-packed, no-downtime, hardly-time-to-breathe presentation. I’m posting the notes that I took while the presenters were speaking, very lightedly edited afterwards in my hotel room. I hope whatever inadvertent remixing I did while taking these notes…

Technology, Play and Pedagogy: Video Gaming and New Literacies

Technology, Play and Pedagogy: Video Gaming and New Literacies (CCCC 2006 Chicago — Day 2) As is always the case with a conference blogging exercise, these are my rough notes, typed as the speakers were talking, and lightly edited in my hotel room at the end of the day. Matthew S. S. Johnson, Indiana University, Bloomington:…

What's wrong with serious games?

They’re meant to educate people by simulating real-world events and are often created with the best of intentions. Problem is, education, science and health care aren’t exactly the stuff of exciting entertainment, let alone video games. —Daniel Terdiman —What’s wrong with serious games? (C|Net Okay, but I’m uncomfortable with the word “entertanment,” since that carries…


Oh newfanglenesse! Y have learned the privitees of the manye abbreviaciouns ywritten on the internette. OMG: “oh mine ++DOMINUS++”. ROFL: “rollinge on the floore laughinge”. IRL: “in reale lyfe.” WTF: “whatte the swyve?” Beinge somethinge of an innovator myselfe, Y presente to yow, churles and gentils alle, the followynge abbreviaciouns. May they serven yow welle…

6th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards

The 6th annual Game Developers Choice Awards will devote a portion of the ceremony to honoring a group of individuals whose efforts stand out in the advancement of the interactive entertainment industry. The ceremony, which is produced and hosted by the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and presented by the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), will…

'Superman' torch is passed

Singer says he plans to use the late Marlon Brando in the new film. Brando, who played Superman’s father, Jor-El, in the 1978 Superman and died in 2004, will return in the same role. Singer says he found stock footage of Brando shot by director Richard Donner in 1978, which will provide Brando’s voice. Special-effects…

WOW: the Text Adventure

Welcome to World of Warcraft: The Text Adventure. You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully. There is an elf with an exclamation point above her head here. >Talk elf “Alas,” she…

Bad Boy Made Good

The first fully-automated performance of the 1924 Futurist/Dadaist/Cubist composition “Ballet mécanique” by George Antheil takes place this weekend in the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, on the Mall in Washington, DC–in conjunction with the larges exhibit in history on Dadaist art. Programmed by composer/author/music technologist Paul Lehrman, and using robots built by…