The magic is back

Of course, computer games and the machines they run on have changed enormously since Zork first appeared in 1980. But I can’t say that the games are any more entertaining. Playing Zork and some of the other games of the day that were called “interactive fiction” was like reading a “Lord of the Rings” book…

Google il Papa!

Google il Papa! (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) Google hasn’t yet started returning meaningful results for “Benedict XVI” in its main search results, though its news service was doing fine right from the start. At 1:45 EST, I googled the new pope’s name, and found plenty of speculation that the next pope after John Paul II would choose…

This Morning's Lesson in Machine Learning (Or, So Said the Search Engine Unto Me)

Sorry, we were unable to locate document(s) pertaining to your request. Did you mean: zirconium instead of kirschenbaum? —This Morning’s Lesson in Machine Learning (Or, So Said the Search Engine Unto Me) (MGK) This is tremendous news… search technology has advanced to the point where a search engine has become aware of Matt Kirschenbaum’s strong, metallic…

Lego Star Wars: The Game

The real appeal of the game is seeing Star Wars characters rendered in itty-bitty plastic form. By the end of the game, there are more than 30 different little guys you can be in Free Play mode. The good guys are cute, but the evil folks are just adorable. Mini-Maul! Sen. Palpateeny! Bite-sized battle droids!…

Goodbye, Blogdex

Goodbye, Blogdex (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog) I used to love Blogdex, but today’s “most contagious information currently spreading in the weblog community” are measured by a grand total of three links. So I’ve taken it off my blogroll. (I can’t remember the last time I did that.) The last announcement was posted in October of 2004, and…

Gibby's Game Room

—Gibby’s Game Room (Nescapades) That’s my first computer on the bottom shelf, a Texas Instruments TI-99 4A (c. 1981). The key combination that produced “+” was “shift+equals.” The key combination that produced “System Reset” was “namelessbutton-right-next-to-shift + equals.” One day it started smoking, so we took it back to the store. I didn’t see an Atari…

Weblogs: Their Use and Application in Science and Technology Libraries (PDF)

Are libraries and librarians willing to support initiative to provide weblog support for their community? The University of Minnesota Libraries think so: “It is our goal to develop a blog server through which everyone in the university community (faculty, staff, and student) can have access to their own individual blog” (University of Minnesota Libraries, accessed…


I don’t believe that the internet is a leveller of genders. In fact, in many cases, it seems to be the opposite. I spend a lot of time on IRC (internet relay chat), where my IRC nick is not gender-neutral. On many occasions I have joined IRC channels to ask technical questions, and have encountered…

Wi-Fi Madness

Wireless internet is an idea that first formulated back during the Cold War. It was a young Al Gore who first was struck in the head by an apple (much like Sir Newton, except this apple was thrown at Gore by Ollie North). Mr. Gore said to himself, in a very slow and monotonous tone,…

Blogging Workshop

I spent quite a bit of time sorting through (and adding to) my collection of blogging-related bookmarks. Several of these have been linked here previously, but I thought it would be useful to compile them for easy reference. Here, for example is a (perhaps somewhat arbitrary) collection of blog criticisim links… —William Cole —Blogging Workshop (Donut…

Utopian Entrepreneur

Although a failed business enterprise, Laurel‘sPurple Moon seemed to do exactly what it had planned — hit it off with girls. Her idea that games should consist of relationships, values such as loyalty, love, and courage, and conflicts such as jealousy, cheating, exclusion, racism, materialism, and broken homes seems worthwhile, but as a young girl…

An Improvement of XML

The implications of scalable theory have been far-reaching and pervasive. In fact, few end-users would disagree with the deployment of expert systems, which embodies the private principles of artificial intelligence. We explore new introspective configurations, which we call KindlerDop.–Shatner, Elmo, Jerz and Nye —An Improvement of XML (SciGen) Read the backstory behind this random CS paper…

In Search of Deeper Content

If something needs to be prettier, they just add a few lines of description (or remove some – “beautiful” could challenge your mind to create an entirely different image than “beautiful blonde”) instead of spending hours rendering. In fact, there’s so much content, Mihaly says it would just be too difficult to convert his game…

Second Life Teaches Life Lessons

Another project, called Second Future, was undertaken by nine adults with cerebral palsy, and seeks to provide a forum in which they can share in the everyday personal interactions that most people take for granted. The group of nine, who share a single Second Life avatar known as Wilde Cunningham, get to experience being around…