Google *is* the OS

“the new google toolbar not only blocks popup ads, it comes with a ‘blog this!’ button for blogger integration.” mecran01 —Google *is* the OS (KairosNews) Is this the first sign of what happens now that Google has purchased Blogger? I don’t use Blogger, so I won’t be able to experiment with that feature. Anyone want to…

The Missing Future

“Build great, innovative software, sell it to the users at a reasonable price, make millions of dollars, benefit humanity, retire young. And if you mistreat your users, you’ll loose them, because you have a hundred competitors. The old Silicon Valley was built on this dream, and it worked for two decades.|But this dream is nearly…

WebWasher Jumped the Shark?

WebWasher Jumped the Shark?Literacy Weblog) For about five years, I’ve used WebWasher — a free program that blocks ads from web pages. Since then, it’s probably saved me several days of time that I would have spent waiting for ads to download or trying to figure out how to close an annoying pop-up without accidentally…

Darknet Nostalgia

“I nonetheless found the darknet command line calm and comforting. Not threatening at all. I suppose it had something to do with the rhythms of the interaction, for while I knew the machine was capable of unleashing unthinkable power, I also knew it would sit dormant forever, waiting for my fingers to hit the keys.…

Purple Barbie

Purple BarbieLiteracy Weblog) I recently re-read Brenda Laurel’s Utopian Entrepreneur, which got me thinking quite a lot about what the landscape of cyberspace will look like when my daugher Carolyn starts exploring it. And just now I found that the link to Brenda Laruel’s legendary “Purple-Moon” website forwards to a Barbie website. Of course I…

Teaching New Media

“The instructional methods that help students learn technology (‘Do X or else undesirable Y will result; don’t do A or else undesirable B will happen; you must do Z first and then C, or else you will have to start over again’) are so alien from the paradigms of humanities pedagogy (‘Everybody’s opinion matters; the…


“[T]he younger people are, the more likely they are to text. | More than eight out of ten people under the age of 25 are more likely to send someone a text message than call. | But, at the other end of the scale, just 14% of those aged over 55 said they preferred to…