The 1982 Tron Holiday Special

Sides: split. Gut: busted. Milk droplets: transferred to computer screen via nasal passages. The 1982 Tron Holiday Special from Rip Taylor via The 1982 Tron Holiday Special from Rip Taylor, Scott Gairdner, Ryan Perez, PerryAdamSmith, Nick Mundy, Funny Or Die, dannyjelinek, BoTown Sound, and James Codeglia.

Why Google+ So Far Is Almost Entirely Male – Technology – The Atlantic Wire

Men are into Google+; ladies, not so much. Google confirmed yesterday that over 10 million people have signed up for the new social networking site, but they didnt mention that men make up three quarters of those early adopters. Instead, Mashables Jolie ODell did some digging using sites that compile these sorts of stats, and…

BBC – Editorial Guidelines – Guidance – Social Networking, Microblogs and other Third Party Websites: Personal Use – Summary

The personal use of the internet by BBC staff must be tempered by an awareness of the potential conflicts that may arise. There should be a clear division between “BBC” pages and “personal” pages. On Social Networking sites, you should be mindful that the information you disclose does not bring the BBC into disrepute. For…

Professors Consider Classroom Uses for Google Plus – Wired Campus – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Facebook’s default approach—sharing with everyone in your personal network—has created a dilemma for professors whose students want to be their online friends. Often the students inadvertently share their party pictures and other private material with their instructors on Facebook, giving some faculty members the feeling that they have crossed too far into students’ personal space.…

MediaShift . The Twitter Effect: How Social Media Changes the News Narrative | PBS

This gossipy “hive” narrative yields little new information, despite that it has the look and feel of news (stock file videos and stills of the “Jackass” guys being Jackasses and a lame movie of the “crime scene” two hours after the fact designed, cynically, to draw hits). For journalism students, the result of such coverage…