Spoof of Get Lamp Trailer

Not the best spoof I’ve ever seen, but if you really want to see a spoof of a trailer of a documentary about text adventure games, you might be somewhat amused. (Here’s the original.) I’m mocked in this, if that’s any incentive to anyone… Similar:January 6th … the board game?Rapture #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5,…

Who Doth Inhabit the Primary

Just watch it. You’ll get it. Similar:January 6th … the board game?Rapture #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 10) Sisko's "visions" complicate politic…Selling Point (Audio Drama)Letter to the editor: Setting record straight on Seton Hill newspaperHey there, chaotic world in academia and beyond, could you settle down just a bit so I can…I have for…

Bonus: What’s With the Remix Disrespect?

So I’m sitting at Julie’s place, right, having some rather delicious cherry M&Ms (which my momma could alphabetize in her belly!), when she pops up this blog by Dennis Jerz wherein I spy this quote, in response to Jeff Rice:   So students who can only remix don’t get practice thinking critically about culture — and…

Retro Sabotage – True Self

Retro Sabotage remixes Pac-Man.  Lots more where that came from. Via MetaFilter. Similar:January 6th … the board game?Rapture #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 10) Sisko's "visions" complicate politic…Don't Be a Sucker (antifascist film from 1945)I ordered a box of composition books. Low-tech response to AI.I have for some reason reached another #duolingo milestone.The Anatomy…

Emergent Puzzle Solutions

Interactive fiction author Emily Short offers a thoughtful analysis of the function of designing puzzles that permit the player to come up with original solutions. She refers to her game Metamorphoses, which includes a complex physical world model that includes such concepts as size, shape, weight, etc.  For instance, you can beat down a door…

Reindeer in the Snow II — Blender3D

The new clip improves on last night’s version, I’ve added blinking eyes, improved the nose glowing effect, and moved one of the legs a bit. Update: Here’s the file if you’d like to use it. Reindeer.blend Similar:January 6th … the board game?Selling Point (Audio Drama)Letter to the editor: Setting record straight on Seton Hill newspaperHey…

Reindeer in the Snow — Blender3D

I’ve been using Blender3D for about two years now. Here’s a little Christmas animation I whipped up. That’s supposed to be sparkly glowy things coming from his shiny nose, but it looks more like a puff of breath. I’m pleased with the head motions. I’ve got the eyes rigged up so they can blink and…


Adam Parrish: The Frotzophone is an interface for making music with interactive fiction. The topography simulated in the game is used to generate sound, as is the player’s path through the game. A Frotzophone “performance” looks just like playing a text adventure; but in addition to playing a game, you’re also playing music. Here’s a…

Gioia to graduates: 'Trade easy pleasures for more complex and challenging ones'

Dana Gioia, chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, spoke at Stanford last June: Entertainment promises us a predictable pleasure–humor, thrills, emotional titillation, or even the odd delight of being vicariously terrified. It exploits and manipulates who we are rather than challenges us with a vision of who we might become. A child who…