Awesome 1935 Soviet Movie Deploys Saxophone-Controlled Robots to Crush Tophat- and Bowler-Wearing Capitalists

I wish I understood Russian, so that I could make sense of this 1935 Russian film featuring a mechanical man remote-controlled via saxophone. Apparently the capitalists take control of the invention and turn it on the workers, at least temporarily. The climax features the workers gaining control of the machines and using them to fight…

Research Essays: Evaluating Online Sources for Academic Papers

Jerz > Writing > Academic As anyone who’s ever put off a term paper will tell you, good research takes time.  If you are writing an academic paper, start in a library database, looking for peer-reviewed academic sources. It is a risky temptation to start with Google instead. Start With Good Academic Sources If your college instructor has…

Social Studies Activities — Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka

Jerz > Theater > Musical Theatre Education Packets > Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Willy Wonka Prev: Math Next: Science and Health Lesson plans for social studies — geography, history, economics. (See also sections on English literature and writing, math, science and health, art, music, and faith connection.) 4) Social Studies/Geography: 4.1) Make sure your student can locate the home countries of each of the Golden Ticket finders, plus…

Theater Resources

Jerz > About > Dennis G. Jerz [ Professional Biography | Writing Handouts | Theater Resources ] York Corpus Christi Play With the combined support of the Church and the merchants who  “sponsored” individual plays, the annual performance was a well-established tradition in the English city of York by the end of the 14th century and continued through the late 16th century. (RUR) Rossum’s Universal Robots…

Short Research Papers: How to Write Academic Essays

Short Research Papers: How to Write Academic Essays

Jerz > Writing > Academic > Research Papers [ Title | Thesis | Blueprint | Quoting | Citing | MLA Format ] This document focuses on the kind of short, narrowly-focused research papers that might be the final project in a freshman writing class or 200-level literature survey course. In high school, you probably wrote a lot of personal essays (where…


Jerz > About > Dennis G. Jerz [ Professional Biography | Writing Handouts | Theater Resources ] Dennis G. Jerz Associate Professor English — New Media Journalism   Seton Hill University Greensburg Pennsylvania Contact Information Background and Links In 2003, I was hired to lead a brand new program in new media journalism. I’m told that it appears in the catalog as “Journalism New Media” because…

Lorem iPad

Jason Kottke uses standard Latin typesetting dummy text to express his opinion of the technology media’s coverage of the iPad. Hilarious! Lorem iPad dolor sit amet, consectetur Apple adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Shenzhen. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud no multi-tasking ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip…

R.U.R. (2011)

There’s no information in the non-subscription IMDB, but there is an entry for a movie based on Rossum’s Universal Robots. The original play was a talky social comedy mixed with a melodrama (complete with a “missing papers” plot twist), and the big action sequences happened off-stage (with characters either referring in passing to events…

Ecotones and Crossroads: Re-imagining the Spaces of Learning in an In-between Time — Computers and Writing 2009

Barbara Ganley, Centers for Community Digital Exploration Barbara Ganley is Founder and Director of the new national organization, Centers for Community Digital Learning, Barbara Ganley has spent her career exploring integrated learning across formal and informal contexts. For nineteen years as a lecturer in the Writing Program and English Department at Middlebury College, and director…

Mike Rose, "Writing for the Public" — CCCC 2009 — Session C

[My own thoughts will appear in brackets. I regularly assign Rose’s essay, “I Just Wanna be Average” to my freshman writing students. He considers the editorial a valuable form of public writing, and teaches graduate classes that ask students to use their specialized subject knowledge to produce editorials of value to the broader community.] Bringing…

Lower-cased initialisms

Via Language Log: It is a small but not insignificant recent change in written English that in Britain the newspapers have started spelling acronyms in lower case with capital initial instead of all in caps. The Universities and Colleges Employers Association and the the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs are not UCEA and…

Flight Of The Conchords – The Humans Are Dead

Robots gloating, and occasionally philosophizing, over their decision to destroy the humans. Love the binary solo. The guy on the left does an excellent imitation of a standard PC speech synthesizer voice. Overall, this is a great send-up of the “arrogant humans create robots who turn on them” meme (which was first widely spread by…

Karolson & Hobshack

Invisible Games: The Phelps Telegraph Machine (pictured) was at that time in widespread use throughout North America. Oskar Karolson, an operator in rural Ontario, a young-to-middling man of Jewish-Polish extraction with a love of puzzles, who taught the wheat farmers’ children mathematics and piano, had had a new Phelps delivered to his remote station sometime…