What are ‘Judeo-Christian values’? Analyzing a divisive term

block of American society. ­But for critics of how the term is used today, Judeo-Christian is vague, historically flawed and even inflammatory. These opposing views reflect a deep rift in American society and illuminate very different fundamental political beliefs.

“This is a term defined by exclusion,” said Shalom Goldman, a professor at Middlebury College in Vermont, arguing that the term is often used to reject secular values and Muslims.

“It’s essentially saying our values are not the values of the Enlightenment or the Constitution, but instead our values are the values of the Bible,” he said.

Rabbi Jack Moline, president of the Washington-based Interfaith Alliance, called the term a “generalization” and said it is one “Christians in particular use to put a patina of universality on a certain Christian culture in the United States.”

A shooting, the president snatched away – this episode of ‘The Trump Show’ was surreal even for veteran White House reporters

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Video Tips for Students: Don’t do what I’m doing!  You can’t see my eyes, the background is distracting, you’re looking up my nose and the lighting is awful.

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The ‘Cancelling’ of Flannery O’Connor? It Never Should Have Happened

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DHS official whose office compiled ‘intelligence reports’ on journalists and protesters has been removed from his job

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Our Publication Stands By the Decision to Give a Platform to the Sea Monster Trying to Devour Our Entire Town

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