Japanese boy writes apology in blood

The 40-year-old male teacher handed the boy a box-cutter and paper and told him to write an apology in blood. —Japanese boy writes apology in blood (CNN) Now that’s harsh. Looks like the Reuters reporter did some independent checking of a story that appeared on local news… if not for that line, I’d wonder whether this…

Birds Learn to Operate Automatic Doors

They circle in front of the motion detector, the doors open, and the birds fly through and take lunch up to the kids that are nesting in the building. Then it’s back to the door, buzz by the motion detector — and fly through again to hunt for more food. —Birds Learn to Operate Automatic…

The Crucifixion (in Lego)

“They struck his head with a reed and spat on him.” — Mk 15:19 —The Crucifixion (in Lego) (The Brick Testament) This site, by “Rev” Brendan Powell Smith, features Lego illustrations of Biblical passages — including many that you don’t often see in kiddie books, including the Dueteronomy passages on rape, bestiality, incest, homosexuality, transvestism, and…

Hot Type: Thumbing His Nose at Academe, a Scholar Tries to Auction His Services

In a society devoted to “reality shows” and rampant commodification, it had to happen some time. Late last month an independent scientist auctioned off his services as a co-author on eBay, with the promise of helping the highest bidder write a scientific paper for publication. The offer even had the added allure of a linkage…

Brenda Starr (1989)

Shields’ artfully monogrammed wardrobe and journalistic wiles do little to prevent her from falling into one of the most common traps faced by journalists: getting abducted by circus folk and forced to wear a skimpy costume, a fate that routinely befell Edward R. Murrow. —Brenda Starr (1989) (The Onion AV Club) This review of this Brooke…

Grant to lure male teachers

The Catholic Education Office abandoned plans last year to challenge sex discrimination laws after it agreed to add an additional 12 female-only scholarships to balance plans to offer 12 male-only scholarships. —Samantha Maiden and Paige Taylor —Grant to lure male teachers (News.Com.Au) Becasue a scholarship program designed to increase the number of male teachers was ruled…

Random Acts of Music

Random Acts of Music Just now, a student crept up behind me and slipped a pair of headphones over my head. I don’t know her. She doesn’t introduce herself. Small voices, like backwards chimpmunks, say something inaudible to a hip-hop beat. “I randomly subject people to whatever I’m listenting to,” says the student. I thank…

Rest in Peace, Charlie Brown

A long overdue Grand Finale to the celebrated ‘Peanuts’ cartoon strip. By Raymond J. Dartsch. With apologies to Schulz. —Rest in Peace, Charlie Brown Really horrible. I mean it. Sick, sick, sick. I couldn’t stop clicking. The artwork is decent, but the lettering is hard to read… I hadn’t realized just how much Shultz’s wobbly…

Woman sues bar

A Greensburg woman who celebrated her 21st birthday at a Hempfield Township bar and later broke seven teeth after falling from a vehicle in a drunken stupor filed a lawsuit Monday against the bar. —Woman sues bar (Tribune-Review) According to her lawyer, “At one point, she asked for water, and they gave her another (alcoholic) drink.…

Indiana Man Tries To Break 'Peeps' Record

John Valiska, known as “Johnny Peeps” to his friends, is trying to eat more than 1,500 Peeps candies this Easter season. —Indiana Man Tries To Break ‘Peeps’ Record (WCPO – Indiana) Similar:The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up …Visiting the #scienceofpixar exhibit @kaminsciencecenterThings Past #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch…

Playmobil Security Checkpoint

—Playmobil Security Checkpoint (Playmobil||Metafilter) I’m not sure what I think of this. It’s far better than plastic grenades to strap around your waist. By the way, the site designers make it extremely hard to link to an internal page… I guess they don’t want much inbound traffic. Link goes to MetaFilter’s page on the subject. Similar:Couples…

The Worst Game-Room Ever!

Say, how do you feel about ice cream? Fan of the ice cream? Maybe it’ll help soften the punch of Quality Inn’s video game assortment. You’ve got three different kinds of ice cream bars to choose from, and they’ll only cost you a buck and a half each. Finally, Atlantic City has a stereotypical bargain…

Riding on Square Wheels

Stan Wagon, a mathematician at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., has a bicycle with square wheels. It’s a weird contraption, but he can ride it perfectly smoothly. His secret is the shape of the road over which the wheels roll. Stan Wagon rides his square-wheeled trike over a special roadway. Courtesy of Stan —Riding…