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[ Argument | Title | Thesis | Blueprint | Pro/Con | Quoting | MLA Format ]
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Academic Journals: Every fact is cited. Articles are approved via expert peer review.

My Paper is Too Short! 5 Tips for Serious Students (and 9 dumb tricks that won’t work)
MLA-style Papers | MLA BibBuilderPersonal Essays | Researched Essays
Notes | Outlines | Oral | Timed | Poetry
Tech Writing [ Web Pages | E-Mail ]
MLA Style Papers: How to Write English Essays (Step-by-step Instructions)
If you’ve been asked to submit a paper in MLA format, your instructor is asking you to format the page and present the content in a specific way. This document will show you how to format a paper in MLA style.
Quotations: Integrating them in MLA-Style Papers
The MLA-style in-text citation is a highly compressed format, designed to avoid interruping the flow of ideas. A proper MLA inline citation uses just the author’s last name and the page number (or line number), separated by a space (not a comma)
Researched Papers: Using Quotations Effectively
If your college instructor wants you to cite every fact or opinion you find in an outside source, how do you make room for your own opinion? Paraphrase, quote selectively, and avoid summary.
Thesis Statements: How to Write Them
A thesis statement is the single, specific claim that your essay supports. A good thesis statment is not simply an observation, a question, or a promise. It includes a topic, a precise opinion, and reasoning.
Finding the URL of a Framed Web Document
When a site uses frames, clicking on navigation links will cause the document displayed inside the frame to change, but the URL at the top of the screen won’t change. This document explains how to find the URL of the exact page you want to cite.
Integrating Good Sources
If your college instructor wants you to cite every fact or opinion you find in an outside source, how do you make room for your own opinion? Paraphrase. Quote selectively. Avoid summary.
I Found it On the Internet
Teaching Students to Locate, Evaluate and Cite Onlne Sources
The link above goes to the web version of a PowerPoint presentation.
Outlines: How They Can Help You
An outline is a tool that helps writers determine whether they have enough raw material (in the form of quotations from scholarly sources and/or data from original research) to construct a particular argument. With experience, many writers learn that using an outline leads to better work, in less time.
Vivinette K. Dietsche (UWEC student)
Effective Note-taking: Top 5 Tips
The transition from high school textbook learning to college lecture learning can leave students struggling academically. Make that transition easy by following these 5 top tips to improve your note-taking — and your GPA.
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Researching Online Planning to use the Internet to research your paper? Learn about authority, plagiarism, and documentation.Format a Paper in MLA Style Use MS-Word to format an English paper. MLA Style Bibliography Builder Choose a form, fill it out, push the button, copy and paste into your word processor. Academic Journals: Using Them Properly “Crazy Joe’s Shakespeare Page” probably won’t have the authoritative information your English professor wants. Look in an academic journal instead. Thesis Statements 3 main parts: the limited subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint. Blueprinting: Planning Your Essay In the thesis paragraph, list each point you plan to make. In the body of your paper, address each point in that order.Hypertext Essays — Introduction The ordinary prose essay has been around for hundreds of years; people have had a long time to discover how to write a good one. But hypertext is a much more recent invention. |
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How and where would I put 14 paragraphs in a citations? What is the different between Site Title and Article title?
Site Title: Literacy Pages; Article Title: Teaching Your Kids to Read; Homepage: National Council of Teachers of English; Last Updated: November 2010; Date of Access: March 3, 2011. Length: 14 paragraphs; URL:
The URL is the home page for the entire site… you would get the name of the site from there. That site probably holds hundreds of articles, only one of which has the title “Teaching Your Kids to Read.” The URL of that specific page will be longer, maybe “” or something like that.
Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by “How and where would I put 14 paragraphs…”