How to Disagree Academically: Using Graham’s “Disagreement Hierarchy” to organize a college term paper.

How to Disagree Academically: Using Graham’s “Disagreement Hierarchy” to organize a college term paper. Similar:Today I didn't save the world, but I did help a student while power-walking at the mall.The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up …The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was…

Seton Hill students Emily Vohs, Elizabeth Burns, Jake Carnahan-Curcio and Carolyn Jerz in a scene from “Dead Man’s Cell Phone.”

Seton Hill students Emily Vohs, Elizabeth Burns, Jake Carnahan-Curcio and Carolyn Jerz in a scene from “Dead Man’s Cell Phone.” This weekend only… opens tonight! Order tickets online at by phone at 724-552-2929, or by mail at SHUPAC Box Office, Seton Hill University, 1 Seton Hill Drive, Greensburg, Pa., 15601-1599. Box Office Hours are…

Dr. David von Schlichten honors the spectrum of motivations (not always financial) featured during Seton Hill‘s “Celebration of Scholarship.”

Dr. David von Schlichten honors the spectrum of motivations (not always financial) featured during Seton Hill‘s “Celebration of Scholarship.” Similar:Today I didn't save the world, but I did help a student while power-walking at the mall.Quick visit to see my mother and siblings.The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in Kinetic Theatre'…This…

AI generated image that relates in no meaningful way to the content of the page on which it appears.

This is what the techbros are excited about? Really?

Some 2300 years ago in ancient Greece, Plato wrote a dialogue featuring his mentor Socrates, who argued that the ability to churn out the longest written compositions on trivial topics or the shortest compositions on important topics is a shallow skill that has nothing to do with human understanding, much like demonstrating that you can…

Double Entry Journals: Your Scholarly Research Notes for College-level Critical Thinking

What is a double-entry research journal?

Reading with a highlighter in your hand encourages you to agree with or ignore what you read. That’s a very limited way to engage with a text.

By contrast, double-entry notes are a way of making complex connections between different things that you read.

My students often tell me that when they take good double-entry notes, they get a much better paper when the time comes for them to start actually churning out the paragraphs.

My colleague @crissycp offers warm soda bread and tea every year, as part of her authentic and much appreciated efforts to create and celebrate our togetherness in this world. (And she’s right… nobody needs to be drinking green beer this weekend.)

Similar:It will be harder to leave Facebook than it was to leave TwitterToday I didn't save the world, but I did help a student while power-walking at the mall.Quick visit to see my mother and siblings.The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in Kinetic Theatre'…This was a rough term. Still have a…

A certain potions instructor is done with everything after submitting midterm grades. (Harry Potter Feast)

Similar:Today I didn't save the world, but I did help a student while power-walking at the mall.The Ascent #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 9) Odo and Quark bicker their way up …Visiting the #scienceofpixar exhibit @kaminsciencecenterThings Past #StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch (Season 5, Episode 8) Odo confronts his reputation as a…Trials and Tribble-ations #StarTrek #DS9…

Leftovers from the food my colleagues brought in to bribe/reward those few students who showed up on the last day before spring break. (I had 40% attendance.)

Leftovers from the food my colleagues brought in to bribe/reward those few students who showed up on the last day before spring break. (I had 40% attendance.) Similar:It will be harder to leave Facebook than it was to leave TwitterToday I didn't save the world, but I did help a student while power-walking at the…

I Don’t Know Why Everyone’s in Denial About College Students Who Can’t Do the Reading

In my lit classes, I’m definitely teaching more short stories and fewer novels that I used to. I’ve expanded the time I spend on note-taking, synthesizing quotes from different sources, and why at the college level it’s not a good paragraph if it simply introduces “One quote that supports my position,” repeats three or four…

Traces of Scribes

Book historian Irene O’Daly notes that the passage crossed out in a medieval manuscript matches where the scribe accidentally turned two pages while copying out a printed book, showing that manuscript culture continued to exist even after the printing press was introduced.  (It’s the third of three examples she uses.) Similar:It will be harder to…

Picking a rubric in Canvas should not be so frustrating that it makes me want to blog about it… and yet here we are.

In general, I find Canvas a fairly decent system, but after a particularly frustrating hour wrestling with rubrics, I decided to spend two more hours blogging about my frustrations.  I would expect a drop-down list to be populated with all the rubrics I’ve already created for my current class, and it would be a nice…

Fall 2023 Grades: Submitted!

Similar:It will be harder to leave Facebook than it was to leave TwitterToday I didn't save the world, but I did help a student while power-walking at the mall.Quick visit to see my mother and siblings.The daughter missed her graduation ceremony because she was performing in Kinetic Theatre'…This was a rough term. Still have a…