“Would I open a huge document-say a PDF book chapter from Amazon? I don’t know. What do I want on my computer versus what do I want bookmarked access to? I don’t know. Here’s what I do know: I need help in managing my attachments and getting more value from the megabytes of media material I’m sent.” In a poorly titled article, Michael Schrage reviews all the e-mail he has gotten over the past two years. —Beta Version [“The fastest-growing parts of my email inbox are spam and attachments”]Technology Marketing)
Students are trusting software like this to do their work.
A former student working in SEO shared this. I miss Google classic.
Googling Is for Old People. That’s a Problem for Google.
I’m thinking this is a still from the cringey Season 1 episode of TNG where the natives bu...
What have my students learned about creative nonfiction writing? During class they are col...
There’s No Longer Any Doubt That Hollywood Writing Is Powering AI