This “Histomap,” created by John B. Sparks, was first printed by Rand McNally in 1931….
This giant, ambitious chart fit neatly with a trend in nonfiction book publishing of the 1920s and 1930s: the “outline,” in which large subjects (the history of the world! every school of philosophy! all of modern physics!) were distilled into a form comprehensible to the most uneducated layman.
The 5-foot-long Histomap was sold for $1 and folded into a green cover, which featured endorsements from historians and reviewers. —Slate.
‘It’s mindblowing’: US meteorologists face death threats as hurricane conspiracies surge
My mother-in-law invited me to try out the 60- year-old tape machine that belonged to my f...
AI coding assistants do not boost productivity or prevent burnout, study finds
Bogus hit-and-run story about Vice President Kamala Harris created by Russian troll farm, ...
Talkback session after the matinee and my brother and faculty colleagues after the evening...
She’s on her way to the @thepublicpgh for two shows today as Margot in Dial M for Murder.