The article-as-numbered-list has several features that make it inherently captivating: the headline catches our eye in a stream of content; it positions its subject within a preëxisting category and classification system, like “talented animals”; it spatially organizes the information; and it promises a story that’s finite, whose length has been quantified upfront. Together, these create an easy reading experience, in which the mental heavy lifting of conceptualization, categorization, and analysis is completed well in advance of actual consumption—a bit like sipping green juice instead of munching on a bundle of kale. And there’s little that our brains crave more than effortlessly acquired data. —Why Our Brains Make Us Click on Lists : The New Yorker.
Why Our Brains Make Us Click on Lists
Sorry, not sorry. I don't want such friends.
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. @thepublicpgh
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