Victoria Blodgett, director of Graduate Career Services at Yale University, told me, “People who take their Ph.D.s into other realms are not necessarily being hired for their content expertise, but for their process skills: the ability to do excellent research, to write, to make cogent arguments.” These skills, it turns out, are in high demand. | So why are humanities Ph.D.s outside academia so invisible? One reason is that within academic departments there is a culture of stigmatizing doctoral candidates who take non-academic posts, making them less inclined to stick around and contribute to debates about the future of the field. –Elizabeth Segran, The Atlantic.
No one’s ready for this: Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to...
Happy to see a familiar face in a slide during today’s Academic Affairs Workshop. Classes ...
The ‘Liar’s Dividend’ is dangerous for journalists. Here’s how to fight it.
Moon for the Misbehotten
Carolyn is the Production Understudy for PPT’s Dial M for Murder in September
The posthuman liberal arts