I wonder what additional measurable benefits come from *performing* in live theater?
Field trips to live theater enhance literary knowledge, tolerance and empathy among students, according to a study published this week by researchers in the University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform…. “What we determined from this research is that seeing live theater produced positive effects that reading a play or watching a movie of the play does not produce” said Jay Greene, professor of education reform. “Plays are meant to be seen performed live. You can’t always take your kids to a play but if you can, you should. The story can be conveyed in a movie, but it doesnt engage the viewer in the same way.”– ScienceDaily.
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Major benefits for students who attend live theater, study finds https://t.co/V56m6Dmpbg | https://t.co/jz189tLIu3
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Public speaking whether it be in an auditorium or a boardroom. The ability to interview (audition). The ability to give and take direction. The benefits are endeless and transcend theater.
Jenny Anderson liked this on Facebook.
Unmeasurable benefits I am sure starting with confidence!
Major benefits for students who attend live theater, study finds http://t.co/TkiZePBcNQ