The Future of Academic Style: Why Citations Still Matter in the Age of Google

Looking forward to getting my copy of the MLA Handbook 8th edition, so I can update all my teaching resources. Meanwhile, here’s some good context for why it matters that the MLA is (finally) updating its guidelines.

Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 12.01.05 PMWriters need to know how to cite an ebook, how to cite a tweet, how to cite an Instagram image, how to cite — no, seriously, my office actually received this inquiry — a book that a player reads within the action of a video game. At some point, the process of developing and disseminating all of these citation formats runs the risk of creating a map that is larger and more complex than the terrain through which it attempts to guide writers and readers. And this is the point at which academic writers understandably begin to grumble about citations being outdated and unnecessary anyhow. I am convinced that it is possible to get rid of the murky bathwater without disposing of the baby. —The Los Angeles Review of Books

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