Female officers, from the left: commodore, captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant j.g, and ensign. I imagine they can choose to wear a skirt of any length, pants, or leggings. I’m not sure I like how the white leggings look.
Female officers, from the left: commodore, captain, commander, lieutenant commander, lieutenant j.g, and ensign. I imagine they can choose to wear a skirt of any length, pants, or leggings. I’m not sure I like how the white leggings look.
I agree, the white stockings are a maybe. What about black with a white pattern?
Good idea! I want to move on to to the uniforms for the technicians and mechanics and so on, but patterned leggings is a good idea.
Nice! Have you lined up the men of the same rank next to the women to compare looks?
In my work area in Blender, yes I do have them lined up. At some point after I finish the enlisted uniforms I will arrange them all nicely.