Web 'Shaman' Fights His Demons

“[F]or the Web to flourish it needs to remain open, nonproprietary, innovative, free and inclusive. “‘Oh my God, the entire world is inside my laptop,’” Berners-Lee shrieked in pretend shock toward the end of his speech while pointing to the need to develop new ways to organize and access data. “He also tried to assure…

What If You Built a Blog and No One Came?

“I’m following best practices for e-mail campaigns. I’m producing interesting (I think), well-designed newsletters. I’m including viral marketing within my newsletters, hoping to encourage pass-along. The Weblog landing page is pretty well designed and easy to use. I think the content is compelling. Why wasn’t my traffic growing at the same rate as my coworkers’?…


“Blogs are one big fat op-ed section for the news organizations out there. Thanks to the ethics of linkage (crediting sources — a polite grace learned from orthodox journalism and years of compiling footnotes and bibliographies for term papers in high school and college) and of Google’s PageRank algorithms, the blogosphere is a vast watershed…

History of the Internet

Progress: Since its inception almost 30 years ago, the internet has been transformed from a primitive device for sharing thoughts and ideas, into a massive network where people pay to connect and read advertisements they don’t want, while calling each other “asshats”. —History of the Internet (The Lemon) I presume “The Lemon” is a takeoff on…

Life in the Bust Belt

“Despite the crash and the resulting disruption, more marriage licenses were granted in 2001 in San Francisco than any year prior. In Santa Clara County, more babies were born in 2002 than in any year of the boom, and house purchases have bounced back to near-record levels, despite the massive evaporation of wealth. The culture…

Open Anarchy or Closed Dictatorship: Methods of Producing Collaborative Teaching Texts

—Open Anarchy or Closed Dictatorship: Methods of Producing Collaborative Teaching Texts (KairosNews) I won’t be blogging much today, not only because of exams, but because I’ll be contributing instead to this online conference session. Update: Will writes, “I’m greatly amused that you wrote ‘I won’t be blogging much today…’ on your weblog. Notice that it’s the…

The Breaking Story: Creating a dynamic learning environment for journalism students (PDF)

Sheila Webber blogs thus: “Lowe, who teaches in the Media Department of Thames Valley University, describes how he simulates a breaking news story by using email, audio and video tapes. The students have to put together a story and reflect on the experience. Variations on the exercise, including using the internet to search for background…

Confessions of a Former Spammer

“When lawmakers and companies fight spam, they’re not up against teenage hobbyists and pranksters. They face thousands of pros like Shiels, who have high-tech tools and an immense network of knowledge that is difficult to overcome.” Jeffrey Kosseff —Confessions of a Former SpammerOregon Live)


“grandtextauto is about computer mediated and computer generated works of many forms, including interactive fiction, net.art, electronic poetry, interactive drama, hypertext fiction, computer games of all sorts, and shared virtual environments. The discussion, by people who all work as both theorists and developers in these forms, considers questions of authorship, design, and technology, as well…