What Do Ya Call It

“I want to invent a word which describes the experience of following all those links on the sidebar of someone’s blog. Yeah, I know blogrolling exists. But that’s just for making the links. When I visit DFWblogs or Grumpy Girl , I get hooked on all these fascinating blog names (ethnic lounge, not so girlie,…

Creative Player Actions in FPS Online Video Games: Playing Counter-Strike

“When you play a multiplayer FPS video game, like Counter-Strike, you enter a complex social world, a subculture, bringing together all of the problems and possibilities of power relationships dominant in the non-virtual world. Understanding these innovations requires examining player in-game behavior, specifically the types of textual (in-game chats) and nonverbal (logo design, avatar design…

Forget Moore's Law

“In its relentless pursuit of the power curve of Moore’s law, at the expense of the much less interesting price curve, the entire electronics industry may be unknowingly trapping itself in a giant and attenuated version of the dot-com bubble–living years into the technological future, only to be painfully snapped back to the human and…

Online Role-Playing Fits the Bill

“MMRPGs are pervasive virtual environments populated by human-controlled digital people from around the globe. | Players develop characters, work towards goals, solve puzzles and engage in social fluttery. They’re the visual marriage of text-based adventures and chat rooms, and women are flocking.” Alex Krotoski —Online Role-Playing Fits the BillGuardian) Interesting… while Slashdot just posted a…

New Kids on the Blog

“Some see it as part of the same cultural continuum of reality TV programming. Others see a broader trend in which digital technologies are allowing everyone to participate more directly in media experiences. Under this scenario, an era of decentralized media is fast approaching in which the idea of “consumers” of mass-market media will become…

Fantasy Economics

“The kicker for economists is that these virtual economic relationships have broken into the real U.S. economy. When players found EverQuest’s bartering rules inadequate, they started exchanging the armor, spells, and other Norrathian objects of value at real-world auction sites. These transactions are conducted not in Norrathian PP but in U.S. dollars and then completed…

The Hoard

I built a bloated icebox made to store my ripe ingredients. Its shelves are crammed with shrunken tentacles, and scalps are jammed beside the vats of larva, pulp, and gore. The handle’s slick. It’s hard to shut the door against the swelling mold. It must be slammed. This foul refrigerator of the damned will always…

Putting a Bad Interface on Things

“But here’s the dirty little secret that may go farther in explaining why usability stinks: Most developers and designers don’t give a rat’s ass about it. The developers want the thing to have lots of features, so usability is the designers’ problem. The designers want the project to look great, so how it works is…

Blogs as Disruptive Tech — How weblogs are flying under the radar of the content management giants

“Since most blogging tools are both free and addictive, it’s no surprise that the sales cycle has been eliminated. Better yet, point and click blog designs mean that there’s minimal consulting – either customization or configuration – required to set up your blog. The result? Weblogs are spreading like wildfire – by some accounts, the…