Stuck at the Gate

[M]ore than 1,000 fans [were] turned away from turnstiles for up to 1-1/2 hours over a bizarre ticket snafu.|The fans – many of them season ticket holders – were forced to wait on line until as late as the fourth inning to get replacement tickets after accidentally tearing their ducats out of ticket books without…

Hiveware E-Mail Enkoder

Protect your Email address from Spam (unsolicited Email advertisements). The Enkoder Form will encrypt your Email address and convert the result to a self evaluating JavaScript, hiding it from Email-harvesting robots which crawl the web looking for exposed addresses. Your address will be displayed correctly by web-browsers, but will be virtually indecipherable to Email harvesting…

Misconceptions About Usability

Misconceptions about usability’s expense, the time it involves, and its creative impact prevent companies from getting crucial user data, as does the erroneous belief that existing customer-feedback methods are a valid driver for interface design…. Market research methods such as focus groups and customer satisfaction surveys are great at researching your positioning or which messages…

Shopping for Digital Cameras

Shopping for Digital Cameras A communications faculty member suggested that the humanities division purchase a bunch of inexpensive digital cameras for students to check out. We’re thinking of buying 5 or 6 cameras in the 2 megapixel range. Obviously we want the students to be able to use the cameras with a minimum of fuss,…

Is Java Finished?

Java and .NET take vastly different approaches to development, said John Rymer, a vice president with Forrester Research. Java’s philosophy of development is to expose low-level system interfaces to give developers greater control. Microsoft simplifies the development process; the developer has less control — but the tools are easier to use. — Vincent Ryan —Is…

Learning to Love PowerPoint

This is Dan Rather’s profile. Expanded to the nth degree. Taken to infinity. Overlayed on the back of Patrick Stewart’s head. It’s recombinant phrenology. The elements of phrenology recombined in ways that follow the rules of irrational logic, a rigorous methodology that follows nonrational rules. It is a structure for following your intuition and your…

The Myth of Discoverability

In lieu of a truly good design, often people on the team will accept any design that makes the specific feature they care about (because they like it, because it‘snew, because they work on it, etc.) discoverable, regardless of it‘srelative importance compared to other features (note that this corollary is often applied without knowledge of…

Breadcrumb Navigation: Further Investigation of Usage

“The purpose of this study is to further investigate breadcrumb usage by evaluating the following research questions: Do users choose to use breadcrumbs as a navigational tool? Does breadcrumb usage improve navigational efficiency? Does the location of the breadcrumb trail on a page effect usage? Does a breadcrumb trail aid the user’s mental model of…

Printing the Web

“After a user selects ?print? from the browser, the page is formatted before it is sent to the printer. The width of the layout is reduced to about 650 pixels for 8.5″ x 11″ paper, or 630 pixels for A4, assuming normal margins.|If all the elements of a page can’t wrap around to fit within…

Information Pollution

“Information pollution is a worldwide scourge that afflicts not just travelers but everyone. In the United States, for example, you can’t buy a lawnmower without a label saying that you’re not supposed to mow your feet. |Most instruction manuals are littered with “important” warnings that caution against obvious stupidities, burying actual dangers amid a mass…

Minibar Munchkins

Hotel minibars are technological marvels. Nowadays they have sensors, so that when someone removes, say, a can of Sprite, the computer at the front desk automatically adds it to the room’s bill. And when the can is restocked, the sensor tells the computer to reset its database. A toddler is also a marvel, of a…

Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility

“How can you boost your web site’s credibility?|We have compiled 10 guidelines for building the credibility of a web site. These guidelines are based on three years of research that included over 4,500 people.” —Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility (Web Credibility) My former student Anne Wendt, who suggested the site, did a project for me on…

PDF's are a Pain in the Butt

PDF’s are a Pain in the ButtLiteracy Weblog) On WebWord, I found a link to a PDF advocate’s lame critique of Jakob Nielsen. It’s an attempt to sidestep Nielsen’s usabilty observations by mounting an ad hominem attack. It’s becoming fashionable to pick on Jakob Nielsen these days, due to his visibility and the shift in…

The Semantic Web

“Most of the Web’s content today is designed for humans to read, not for computer programs to manipulate meaningfully. Computers can adeptly parse Web pages for layout and routine processing?here a header, there a link to another page?but in general, computers have no reliable way to process the semantics: this is the home page of…

DoubleClick Class Action Lawsuit

“The Complaint states that through use of such Fake User Interface (“FUI”) dialogs that gave the false appearance of being computer error messages, DoubleClick tricked millions of Internet users into interrupting the work they were performing to respond to the fraudulent error message, only to unexpectedly find both computer and computer user thus hijacked to…