Whereas a mere couple decades ago, one could simply point a finger at the mass media and their powerful cultural producers as the source of most offensive stereotypes about minority groups, Web 2.0 technology and the #Occupy movement shows us how stereotypes can be perpetuated, embellished, nay, even constructed at the grassroots level, by men (and women) operating out of assumptions, filtering information, and presenting them in such a way as to bolster these claims. —The (Manic Pixie) Dreamgirl to “Ease the Revolutionary Mind” » Cyborgology.
My mother-in-law invited me to try out the 60- year-old tape machine that belonged to my f...
AI coding assistants do not boost productivity or prevent burnout, study finds
Bogus hit-and-run story about Vice President Kamala Harris created by Russian troll farm, ...
Talkback session after the matinee and my brother and faculty colleagues after the evening...
She’s on her way to the @thepublicpgh for two shows today as Margot in Dial M for Murder.
Stories from the Tall Tales Club – Episode 1 The Time Elephant