In August, 2002, I was blogging about
- Educational technology spending that doesn’t benefit students; ebook readers that students don’t like; email as a tool in online course (all free at the time, but now behind the Chronicle of Higher Ed’s paywall)
- A prof spreading bad papers in order to catch plagiarists
- Expensive goose tracker leads reseachers to a hunter’s freezer
- Judges tosses British Telecom’s attempt to copyright the hyperlinks
- How urban legends spread through informational selection and emotional selection.
- MIT card-counters hacking Las Vegas
- A postmodern/postcolonial reading of the Monkey Island games
- Woman with email “C. O’Kane” rejected when applying for cop job.
- Games scholar Henry Jenkins ambushed on trash-talk TV show
- Police arrest hundreds of peaceful teens at K-Mart
- Hypercard “forgotten, but not gone”
- “No, I was not on drugs” — origin story from Dave “D&D” Anderson
- An illustrated Cthulu story featuring plushies.
- The allure of Pluto
- An Iowa college library goes paperless
- Marilyn Monroe Died 40 Years Ago Today
- Liveblogging an epileptic fit: “In these moments I kiss God.”