In a hole in the ground lives a hobbit. A nasty, dirty, wet hole contains ends of worms and an oozy smell. A dry, bare, sandy hole contains nothing to sit down on or eat. The hole in the ground is a hobbit hole. “That means comfort.” —Brian Slesinsky has some fun with Inform 7 syntax. —Hello, Hobbit (
Can you tell what I’ve been thinking about lately?
Googling Is for Old People. That’s a Problem for Google.
I’m thinking this is a still from the cringey Season 1 episode of TNG where the natives bu...
Each building in my #medievalyork simulation has four levels of detail (so that distant ob...
Another corner building. Designed and textured. Needs an interior. #blender3d #design #ae...
What have my students learned about creative nonfiction writing? During class they are col...
There’s No Longer Any Doubt That Hollywood Writing Is Powering AI